Royal Medal
Prince Eugen Medal to designer and artist Carina Seth Andersson
Följ vår resa och håll dig uppdaterad på vad som händer runt Malmö Porslin.
Prince Eugen Medal to designer and artist Carina Seth Andersson
The launch of ”Lotta Agaton for Länna Möbler” collection.
Visiting the grower, chef, and author
Our Pi vases at Grythyttan in Copenhagen during 3daysofdesign.
Celebrating String 75 th anniversary during 3daysofdesign at the Swedish Embassy in Copenhagen.
Geijersgatan Café & Butik
Article in Sydsvenskan
Art of Hosting
Christmas mingle
Kosta Boda’s press breakfast at Nordiska Galleriet, served on Malmö Porslin.
3 Days of Design in Köpenhamn.
Malmö Porslin at Lisa Hilland.
BIse restaurant in Malmö.
Fair in Copenhagen
Finally! Today marks the launch of Malmö Porslin at Trendgruppen. Design by Carina Seth Andersson. Design Carina Seth Andersson